
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, June 10, 2013

A Waiting Game...

Bag is packed... House is being cleaned today... Nursery is ready... now to sit and wait. Well... more like walking, eating spicy foods, eating pineapples, eating 6 dates a day... anymore suggestion on natural ways to start labor??

In case you didn't know... I'M GETTING ANXIOUS!! Ready to meet this baby boy!! As much fun as pregnancy has been, I'm ready to be able to sleep on my stomach and my back again. My hips are starting to kill me and I'm having lower back pain. I am seeing a chiropractor, which helps, but I'm still ready for bundle of joy to come out!

I'm 39 weeks today, so most likely I still have a week+. Although Lee and I have decided that if he could make his appearance on Thursday that would be perfect =) Thursday would be the 13th and would stay in line with the generation of birthdays. My great-grandfather - June 14th, Brother - June 15th, and Dad - June 16th. His due date is actually the 17th which would also work, but that being a Monday and one of Lee's busiest days at the gym would kind of be hard. So Thursday would be good and be easy for Lee to take off work and be home with us all weekend! =) So prayers appreciated =) Plus it landing on a semi-weekend would also be great for family. Especially since we have family coming in for Father's Day that weekend as well. I have had a dream he came on the 15th and then also a dream that I got induced on the 14th. Which I will not be getting induced, but I don't know what to make of those dreams. My mom has also had a dream that Jace came early as well. Here's to hoping and praying =)

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