
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Just thought I would share a comical conversation between me and the hubs.

So our dogs have been throwing up lately. Our theory is that they are eating too quickly and their stomachs can't handle it. Anyway, when it comes to any kind of dog mess, Lee can't handle it. Numerous times I have come across a mess that I am 100% positive that he has seen it but chose to ignore. He can't handle it... it makes him "queasy" so he says. Well this past week we have had 2 doggy accidents. I cleaned up the first, so for the second one, I told him it was his turn. Thankfully, he did it... reluctantly.

"Ew.. the dogs threw up again" - Lee

"Its your turn!" - Me

"Ew, what am I supposed to pick it up with?" - Lee

"A paper towel" - Me

"But, it will leak through" - Lee

"Well where my gloves" - Court (which are pink with a flower on the wrist part)

(while attempting to clean it up) "ugh...this is disgusting!" - Lee

"What are you going to do when we have kids someday and they have blowouts" - Court

"I'll hand them to you." - Lee

"What if I'm not around?" - Court

"Well we better have these gloves in the changing room!" - Lee

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Craving Chinese

Tuesdays are what I like to think of my total day off. I don't like to go anywhere, I don't even like to get dressed. My preference is to stay in my pajamas the entire day. Most of the time, when Lee gets home from his morning clients he likes to comment... "You're still wearing that?" But I don't even care. Tuesday is my day. I typically sit back in my craft room the entire day crafting and watching a movie.

A few weeks ago I decided to start re-watching FRIENDS for the 100th time from the beginning. No matter what, I laugh. It doesn't matter if I can quote it word for word, or how many times I've watched it. I laugh. And out loud too! Lee's game room is on the other end of the house. He came into my craft room the other day to say, "Did I hear you laugh out loud?" Sure did! He doesn't understand the genius that is FRIENDS, its so sad.

I tell you all this because while watching friends, they tend to eat a lot of Chinese take-out. I mean its New York right? I haven't had Chinese food in forever. And now just from watching them eat it, I was craving it! Had to have it! So I asked Lee if we could order in Chinese last night for dinner. Of course he kept giving my some sarcastic comment, but finally gave me the OK. So happily I returned to my craft room in anticipation of dinner. (I'm weird like that)

Lee left to run some errands, so I texted him and asked if he could run by Pei Wei to grab dinner on his way home. Accomplishing two things. 1) I stay in my p.j.'s  2) I get Chinese! (well I guess technically they say they are Asian Diner, but its all the same to me) Then came the "dreaded" text. "Let's go out!"   "where?"    "Surprise!"  If you know Lee at all, he loves his little "surprises." I must admit that I might have grumbled a little. Did he not know what day it is? It's my stay in all day, pj wearing, craft day! And I was in the middle of a project. But then I remember that I had given him a hard time the other day about not "dating" me anymore. We haven't been on a real date night in a while. Most of what he considers "date night" is a group outing.

I got over myself, and decided to get dressed. Knowing that he was trying to be really sweet and that we needed a date night. And its boot season! So any excuse to put on my boots, is ok with me. Even if it Tuesday ;) Where did we go you ask? P.F. Chang's. Yummy.

To make a short story long.... ;) We decided to use a cheesy date night questions list. I thought I'd share some of the more humorous ones. Well they made me laugh, and also again show how different we are.

5 Sources of Reading:
Me:                                                                                          Lee:
1) The BFG (a favorite book from childhood)                        1)ESPN       
2) Hunger Games Series                                                          2)Fox News
3) Pretty Little Liars Series                                                      3)Craigslist
4) Facebook/Friends Blog Posts                                              4)Slick Deals
5) Bible                                                                                    5)Bible

Well we had one the same. Does Craigslist and Slick Deals count???

Me: Cake Baking               Lee: "Catching women.... I got you forever"

Things that need to be repaired?
Me: "Roof, Hot Tub, Carpet..."
Lee: "Who, alright, easy!"

When do you need assurance of my love the most:
Lee: "When I feel fat..."
Me: "omg. seriously?"

Favorite Color:
Me: "Red!"
Lee: "Titanium"
Me: "So if your looking for a shirt, you want a titanium colored shirt?"
Lee: "yes, but it may be hard to find."

Then at the end of the night we received our fortune cookies...

Lee: "And you do that... you give me a present everday."
Ha! Such a cheeseball, but I love him.

And of all the irony... Lee's:

Monday, October 8, 2012

Our Reality Blog

Welcome to The Goggin's Blog! We have been told by several people that our life/interactions are pretty humorous and we need our own reality show. The fact that we are not famous and can't really see people all over wanting to watch us, I thought maybe a blog could do! So those that do find our life humorous can read our blog with our everyday ramblings/arguments/funny moments.

Lee and I are very different in many ways, which is why I think our life can get pretty interesting. Lee grew up in a town of 2000 in Oklahoma, and I grew up in DFW metroplex. I'm 100% city and Lee is 100% country. I hear a complaint probably at least once a week about Lee's hatred of Dallas and how Oklahoma is so much better. I try to remind him that he chose to live here. It was his choice, he moved here before we were married, so he can't blame that on me =) Although I'm so city, I must say I wish I was a cowgirl! We were shopping the other day for I think some new cowboy boots. I of course want the "trendy" Corral type boots, which Lee informed me where not quality boots. That I need some Justin or Tony Llama, etc.

This was our conversation when he had me try on some he liked:
"I can't wear these. I'm not a cowgirl, I would look like such a poser." - Courtney
"Babe, you're almost there! You were in a field where hay was being baled" - Lee
 Well I guess I'm getting there =)

We LOVE watching Duck Dynasty! Lee especially! He wants to be them so bad. If that is how we could live, he would make sure we did in a heartbeat. They just had a marathon yesterday to get everyone excited for their season premier on Wednesday. I can't help but laugh when watching.

(While house hunting) "Eat, sleep, and mess with Miss Kay a little bit in the back room is all I'm getting out of  a house and I'll take care of that right where I'm at!" - Phil

"First is pretty tires, then its pretty gun, next thing you know, you're shaving your beard and wearing capri pants." - SI

"If you have to meet your daughter's friend, who happens to be a boy, what better way than with a shotgun in your hand" - Willie

"What's heavier? A ton of brick or a ton of feathers?" - Martin
"Duck feathers or Goose Feathers? - SI
"A ton of bricks and a ton of feathers are equal" - Martin
"Maybe the density has something to do with it" - Jase

P.S. As you can see my blog title is pretty much non-existent. I would like to think I'm creative, but when it comes to words.... definitely not my strong point. If anyone has any good suggestion, I would be happy to hear them. =)