I'm so grateful for all the prayers and support over this last year as all of this had unfolded! Please keep praying for the surgeons and medical staff as they prepare and that all will go smoothly!
And in unrelated news: I've always heard about the so-called terrible two's (and I'm sure they can and will be terrible) but no one warned me about attachment one's (I'm not good at witty phrases). Well maybe that's a lie, my pediatrician might have warned me. Today my little man just wanted to be held but at the same time would squirm to be out down, except the second I put him down he would turn and cry to be liked up again. And only mommy would do. This morning I had to work up at the gym so it made work a little difficult.
I knew he was tired since we have to wake him at 4:30 to head to the gym and he usually doesn't sleep past 6:30 up at the gym since there is so much light coming in. So I knew that contributed to the "please hold me" fuss. Needless to say on the way home he passed out. Usually I can get him to go back down for a nap once we get home but it was a struggle today. We could not get him to nap but yet he was so fussy because he was so tired. Eventually he crawled up on the couch with me...
It's funny how one minute I can be so exhausted and frustrated and the next this little life God blessed me with falls asleep in my arms and I forget all about it! I never knew I could love this little man so much! I know one day he will get to big to sleep in my arms, so I'm soaking it all in while I can! Sometimes I just wish he would go to Lee and let him hold him, yet secretly I love that he is a momma's boy :)
We are excited for you guys. Let us know how we can support you through this!