I can't believe how fast time has flown! We will (God willing he is on time) be meeting our son in 2 months from today! I have been asked several times if I'm ready. The answer.. yes and no. I am actually excited to experience childbirth. I know that may sound weird to some, but I am so curious to how it will all happen. I am excited to experience the miracle of birth that God has so graciously allowed us woman to do. I know that as time gets closer my excitement may turn to a ball of nerves. But as for now, I'm ready for it! I am also ready to hold and meet my baby boy! I want to see him.. his face.. his tiny little hands and feet. I'm ready to hold him in my arms! What I don't believe I'm actually ready for... parenthood. It seems crazy that in 2 months I will be bringing home a little human being that Lee and I are responsible for completely! He will be dependent on us to live. Now, that part I'm not sure I'm totally ready for... How will I know what to do?! I'm freaking out a little bit. My brother made a comment about this May being my first Mother's Day. That was so weird to hear. I am going to be a Mom... Lee is going to be a Dad! Jace could quite possibly come on Father's Day, how cool would that be? And would also get to share a birthday with my dad. We shall see. My prediction is that he will be late though.
We got to see our little one last week! He is actually measuring a little small right now, so my midwife is predicting a 7lb baby which I would be thrilled with! Although Lee's prediction is that I will go 2 weeks past my due date for him to catch up and we will end up having a 9lb baby. My prayer is I will have an on time 7lb baby, but ultimately a healthy little boy is most important. Last week he was measuring 2lb 14oz. We will be getting another ultrasound next week, so we will see how much he is has grown within a 2 week span.
May be hard to see, but this is his sweet face looking at us and his hand up by his chin.
Unfortunately life has gotten busy with all the things we are trying to prepare and accomplish before Jace gets here, so I missed the 30 week mark and we will be skipping ahead to 31 weeks. 9 weeks to go!